Makalah Tentang VERB (DefInition, Types, Function and Position)


A. Latar Belakang

Bahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa Internasional yang digunakan sebagai alat komunikasi dan dipelajari semua Negara di dunia. Dalam mempelajari Bahasa Inggris terdapat part of speech yang dimana membahas tentang pembagian kata yaitu Noun, Verb, Adveb, Adjective, Pronoun, conjuction, dan interjection.

Sama seperti Bahasa Indonesia, Dalam Bahasa Inggris pun mengenal yang namanya kata kerja atau verb. Verb merupakan tata bahasa yang paling komplek dalam Bahasa Inggris karena akan berubah sesuai dengan waktu dan subjek yang digunakan.

Verb merupakan bagian terpenting dalam penulisan kalimat karena verb adalah syarat terpenting dalam penulisan kalimat yang berposisi sebagai predikat. Sehingga, mempelajari verb dan jenis-jenis verb membantu dalam penulisan kalimat.

B. Rumusan Masalah

  1. Pengertian Verb
  2. Types of Verb
  3. Function of Verb
  4. Position of Verb

C. Tujuan Penulisan

Tujuan penulisan makalah ini adalah untuk membantu pembaca memahami dan mengetahui mengenai verb, pembagian verb, fungsi verb, dan posisi verb dalam kalimat.


A. Verbs

The verb is the most complex part of speech. Its varying arrangements with nouns determine the different kinds of sentences statements, questions, commands, exclamations.

B. Types of Verbs

The types of verbs described here differ according to the kind of complement they may have. Because these types may cut across each other, a verb may belong to more than one type.

1. Predicating or Linking verbs

A predicating verb is the chief word in the predicate that says something about the subject. The predicating word (or predicator) has traditionally been called a verb of “action” (she wrote a letter), but has actually been interpreted to include most non-action verbs that are not linking verbs (for example, I remember him).

A linking verb is a verb of incomplete predecation. The important word in the complement is usually an adjective (The girl is pretty) or a noun (She is a pretty girl). The – ly adverbs of manner (quickly, angrily) are not used with linking verbs. The more common linking verbs are appear, be, become, get, look, remain, seem, grow, sound, stand, turn, and feel.

Example : 
The rose smells sweet
My sister looks pale

2. Transitive or Intrasitive verbs

A transitive verb takes a direct object (He is reading a book); an intrasitive verb does not require an object (He is walking in the park). Only transitive verbs may be used in the passive voice (The book was returned by him quickly). All linking verbs are intransitive ( The sun rises in the east).

3. Reflexive verbs

A Reflexive verb requires one of the compounds with self(reflexive pronuon) as its object. Some verbs may be used with or without the reflexive pronoun object (He washed (himself) and dressed (himself) quickly). Reflexive verbs often have a non reflexive use also, and can take objects that objects that do not refer back to the subject (She washed the child and the dressed him quickly).

4. Auxiliary or Lexical Verbs

Two or more words may be joined together into a single verb phrase that functions as the full verb of the predicate. The first part of the verb phrase is the auxiliray, and the second part is the lexical verb.

The classification of auxillary verb :

a. Primary

To be : am, is, are, was, were, be, been, being.
To do : do, does, did.
To have : have, has, had

b. Modal

Must, will, can, may, could, would, shall, should, might, ought to.
Sebagian besar auxiliary verb harus digunakan dengan lexical verb/ kata utama.

Example : 
Dinda can play the computer today.
They have to do their homework now.

5. Finite or Non-Finite verbs

A finite verb is a lexical verb with or without auxiliaries that acts as the full verb in the predicate. It is limited by all the grammatical properties a verb may have person, number, tense, voice, etc.

Example : 
Dinda writes a letter every week for her mom.
Rika wrote a letter yesterday.

Non-finite (or finite) verbs are incomplete verbs forms that function as other parts of speech than verbs. They consist of the infinitive forms ( to + the simple form of the verb) and the participial –ing or ed forms.

Example : 
He likes to listen music.
My sister likes cooking.
The boy talking to his father is my brother.
They have planned the meeting.

6. Irregular Verbs

A small number of verb, among them some of the most commonly used verb in the language, have forms that differ from the regular tense form shown in the paradigms, we have given earlier. In the order to use the tense form of this irregular verb, the speaker of English must know their “principal parts.” The first principal parts of a verb is the simple form of the verb, the second principal part is the past tense, the third principal part is the past participle. Thus, the principal parts for the regular verb offer are offer, offered, offered, (offering).

7. Regular Verbs

Regular verb is the change of verb be based on tenses that happen contentious of the sentences with increasing –d, -ed or –ied in the end of word.
  • wait = waited
  • paint = painted
  • knock = knocked

Adding inflectional suffixes
  • -s 
1. after a sibilant sound spelled as s,z,ch,sh, is added (passes, buzzes, catches, pushes, mixes)
2. after y preceded by a consonant, the y is changed to i  and es is added (carries, tries, but plays).

  • -ed 
1. after y preceded by a consonant, they is change to i and ed is added (carried,tried, but played).
2. after a single consonant preceded by a single stressed vowel, the final consonant is doubled before ed (stopped, permitted, but offered rained).
3. after final e, only d is added (changed, argued, agreed).

  • -ing 
1. final sileent omitted (changing, arguing, but agreeing).note : the e is retained if it is needed by a vowel (canoeing).
2. After a single consonant preceded by a single stressed vowel, the final consonant is doubled before ing (stopping, permitting, but offering, raining)
3. final ie in one-syllable word is changed to y (lying, dying, tying).

C. Function of verb

Fungsi dari kata kerja dalam sebuah kalimat adalah menjelaskan keadaan dari sebuah subjek. Kata kerja (verb) dapat menjadi sebuah pokok dari grammar yang memiliki fungsi :

1. Penghubung dari subjek

Example : I am a doctor.
He is a teacher.

2. Menjelaskan inti kalimat

Example : They go to Bali every year.
He is going to the beach.

D. Position of Verbs

The verb is used after a subject, or before an subject or complement. The verb appears before the subject in most question, and in sentences or clauses that begin with certain types of negative adverbs.


A. Conclusion

The verb is the most complex part of speech. Its varying arrangements with nouns determine the different kinds of sentences statements, questions, commands, exclamations.

Types of Verbs : Predicating or Linking Verbs, Transitive or Intrasitive verbs, Reflexive Verbs, Auxiliary or Lexical Verb, Finite or Non-Finite Verb, Irregular Verb and Regular Verb.

The Function of verb are the link of subject and to explain the core of sentences. The position of verb is used after a subject, or before an subject or complement.


Frank, Marcell.1972. Modern English. New Jersey US: Prentice-Hall INC.
Indriani, Irma. 2014. Lengkap  dan Praktis Grammar Itu Gampang. Cek; 1. Jakarta: Dunia Cerdas.

Makalah Tentang VERB (DefInition, Types, Function and Position)